Legal notices


The legal notices are updated on April 07, 2024.

Access to the site (hereinafter the “Site”) as well as the use of its content are subject to the conditions of use described below (hereinafter “the CGU”).

The CGU apply regardless of the medium from which you access our Site (computer, smartphone, etc.).

We inform you that these T&Cs may be modified at any time. These changes are published when they are posted online and are deemed accepted without reservation by any visitor who accesses them after they are posted online. It is therefore up to you before browsing our Site to read these T&Cs carefully.

Accessing and browsing our Site constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions on your part.

Site editor

Christophe Triquet

Publishing director

Christophe Triquet

Artistic direction of the site

Web Leader ()
Web studio (contact:

Site host

IONOS by 1&1
Montabaur, Germany

Intellectual property

The Site is the exclusive property of Tubexact, which is the only company authorized to use and exploit the intellectual property rights attached to the “Tubexact” brand. These rights are protected by international law and French law.

All brands (figurative or not), illustrations, images and logos not owned by Tubexact remain owned by their respective rights holders, and their use by Tubexact on the Site has been authorized in advance by these respective rights holders.

Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use of these brands, illustrations, images and logos, for any reason and on any medium whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, as long as it has not been authorized by Tubexact or its applicable partners.

The same applies to any combination or conjunction with any other brand, symbol, logotype and more generally any distinctive sign intended to form a composite logo. These last provisions also apply to all copyright, designs and models, patents reproduced on the Site.

The use of all or part of our Site, in particular by downloading, reproduction, transmission or representation for purposes other than for personal and private use for non-commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

Hypertext links to our Site may only be created with our prior written authorization. It can be revoked at any time. We disclaim all responsibility for the content of third party sites redirecting their users to our Site.


The content of the Site may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. Tubexact will not be held responsible for any inaccuracy or error, or for loss, or damage caused by or resulting from the use of information obtained on or through the Site. It is up to you to evaluate the information and other content available on or through the Site. The Site and the information and Products appearing on it are subject to change at any time, without prior notice.

You are informed that access to the Site may be interrupted at any time by Tubexact for reasons of maintenance, security or any other technical constraint.

You agree not to hijack the Site's security system, and not to install, in any way whatsoever, devices intended to restrict access to the Site or its content. You must not interfere with the proper functioning of the Site, servers or networks linked to the Site, or violate any regulations, in particular related to the circumvention of the robot exclusion protocol.

Lack of warranty

The Site and its contents are provided “as is” and “as available”. Tubexact will not be held responsible and does not provide any warranty of any kind, express or implied, including any warranty relating to the absence of malicious programs (such as viruses, computer worms or Trojan horses), relating to the commercial value, or the suitability of the use of the Site you are seeking. Tubexact cannot guarantee that the information contained on the Site is accurate, complete or up to date, that the Site does not contain any defect or that any defect, whatever it may be, can be corrected, and assumes no responsibility in this respect.

By using the Site, you agree to do so at your own risk and assume full responsibility for any impossibility of using the Site, any loss of data and the costs associated with any assistance or repair of any hardware and/or software used by you to connect to the Site, and you agree to release Tubexact from all liability for any damage, of any kind, that may be caused by or resulting from your use of the Site, or related to your use of the Site, or related to your use of the Site, and you agree to release Tubexact from all liability for any damage, whatsoever, that may be caused by or resulting from your use of the Site, or related to your use of the Site. Site. If applicable law rejects the exclusion of implied warranties, some or all of the disclaimers mentioned above may not be enforceable against you.

Limitation of liability

Tubexact cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable for any damage of any nature whatsoever (including any real, direct, indirect, indirect, special, punitive, damage related to the loss of data, profit, related to an infringement of the right of ownership, or related to a request from a third party). This limitation of liability clause applies both in contract and in tort, and even if Tubexact has been informed in advance of the possible occurrence of one of these damages.

By accepting the Terms of Use, you waive any claim for compensation against Tubexact, for these damages. As some courts do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for indirect or incidental damages, some or all of the above limitations may not be enforceable against you.

You agree to defend, indemnify and guarantee Tubexact (including its representatives, employees, subsidiaries, agents...) against any complaint from third parties concerning damages resulting from your use or access to the Site, from your violation of these Terms of Use, from your violation of these Terms of Use, from your violation of the law or from your violation of the law or the rights of third parties, in particular their intellectual property rights.

This section 6 survives the cessation of your use of the Site.

Applicable law - Languages - Disputes

The Site is created, controlled and operated by Tubexact, from France. These T&Cs are governed by and subject to French law, without regard to conflict of law rules. They are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more other languages, only the French text would be authentic in the event of a dispute.

All disputes to which these CGU may give rise, concerning their validity, interpretation, execution, termination, consequences and consequences, as well as their consequences, will be submitted to the French courts. Any action related to the CGU is prescribed by one year.

The fact that Tubexact does not exercise, on one or more occasions, the rights, options, claims or actions reserved for it by the CGU cannot be interpreted as a waiver of its right to use them.

If any of the provisions of the CGU were found to be void under a rule of law in force or a judicial decision that has become final, it would then be deemed unwritten, without however resulting in the nullity of the other clauses or altering their validity.